In the year 1970 my dad met a man named Al Goldstein through another man
whose name was Archie Gordon, a newspaper distributor. He was having some
trouble so he came down to the Gallos for help, from that point on my dad
owned and operated Astro News. For the next 35 years he was the sole distri-
butor of Al Goldstein's famous Screw Magazine and 50 other sex publications.
We had the business until 2002 and made a lot of money, in between life went
on as normal as I thought it should be.
Lets go to 1972, the year I popped my cherry in more ways than one. This is
when I started hanging with my dad. He was on President Street hanging with
the Gallos. He used to be with Larry Gallo a lot before he died in 1968 of
My father and I drove Larry Gallo home one night and that was the last
time I saw
him. The first time I met Joey Gallo he grabbed my cheeks so hard I was
black and
blue for a week. He did it to show his affection to me knowing I was
Ricky's son.
He told me, if anything ever happened to my father that I always had a home
on the block and; then he told me to go wash his car. 1972 was a good year.
I used to go to President Street to see my father a lot and started hanging
with some of the other guys my age like Frankie Proscutti and Anthony Gum-
badel. I had two other guys that hung with me named Steve and Marty and they
were great friends. I started staying on the block a lot and hanging at
Roy Roys
club, where all the regular guys stood. Back then we were too young to
hang in
main clubs.
One night I was playing cards in the club and one of the big boys (no names)
was looking for some guys to do a score with, my luck I was there. I went on
my first score, a diamond heist in N.Y. I took my two friends Marty and
with me. We did it and got away with $100,000 in diamonds. After we fenced it
we got about $5000 a piece, that was big for us. After that we started to
the part and got some recognition. When we would go to the clubs, people
knew we were from President street and that Rick was my father. After a few
bar fights when I fucked some guys up, it was smooth sailing from ages 16-21.
I met a lot of big names like Don Carlos, Funzouale, Joe Shep and Aniel from
different families besides the family my father was with. I got very close
to some
of them like Roy Roy, Bobby Boriello, Steve Cerillo, Joe Castro, & Louie
the Syrian.
I also met a lot of ass holes that I didn't get along with but that's
another story.
Then I did a few other things that we cant talk about here. This is the
year (1976),
I got my first gun pinch and I beat it. It got knocked down to assault. By
I got a drug pinch and I was facing 4 different 25 years to life bids, but
it got
thrown out.
Over the years I met guys from different crews that I hung out with that
me to be with them but my father always said be a friend and help out, but
a loner so you wouldn't be obligated. Thank GOD he was right, half became
and the others became pricks. In the last 20 years if there's was a beef I
got a
gun and took care of it myself. Not to say there aren't a lot of good guys
there because there are many. This magazine represents the life I was born
raised into, so kickback, relax and enjoy our killer premiere issue.

Born in Long Island, New York, the “Mixter” as
know in the sports and business radio circles commentator is a
former real estate developer. As accomplished R/E developer he
developed, constructed and sold millions of dollars in property in
A restaurant developer, magazine and news paper
publisher and established broadcaster, Bazsuly brings his wide range
of 30 years of business to the table at Mob Candy.
Sports casting in Florida and talk radio
nationwide, his show “Your Monies Worth” has run for five years on
Beasley Broadcastings Network and for some time in Los Angeles on
97.1 Free FM with co-host and Florida broadcasting legend, Jeff
Having been a writer and covering every major
boxing and football event over the years, these two gentlemen have
the ability to see firsthand any developments in news, sports and
entertainment through a wide assortment of characters and
connections in those specific industries.
This gives MOB CANDY readers and subscribers an
exciting look into the brighter side and the darker side of the
underworld. The editorial content adds to its dramatic persona!
“Working on MOB CANDY is a dream come true, as we
are granted a license to finally print the truth, free of the
bullshit and the fear of who offends who. We could give two F%$^#
who we offend, and just want the real truth be told. What you read
is gospel, and in my words; no fillers, no additives, Just a Truth.
Like it or not, truth always remains the same.” ~ Mick Bazsuly
Tom Kozlowski:
Tom Kozlowski is a Venture-Marketing Specialist.
His remarkable entrepreneurial and marketing systems have earned Tom
a great deal of success. With a background in casino gaming and
marketing, he has been consulting and implementing his systems with
different companies and industries all around the world. Tom holds
the distinction of being the youngest floor manager in the history
of casino gaming.
A student in marketing for the last 20 years, he
has studied and worked with many of the greats in the marketing
industry. By keeping in touch with the latest trends and techniques,
"TK" is able to implement these ideas into your business in a
professional and efficient manner.
After much time, energy, and investment, Tom has
created his own unique systems that bring immediate results, without
costing companies any additional financial expense.
