if (isset ($_POST['senderEmail'])){
$recipientMail = $_POST['recipientMail'];
$senderName = $_POST['senderName'];
$senderEmail = $_POST['senderEmail'];
$senderMsg = $_POST['senderMsg'];
$pass = $_POST['pass1'];
// Strip slashes on the vars
$senderName = stripslashes($senderName);
$senderEmail = stripslashes($senderEmail);
$senderMsg = stripslashes($senderMsg);
// Email
$to = "$recipientMail";
$from = "contact@mobcandymag.com";
$subject = "Contact From the Website";
//Begin HTML Email Message
$message = "This is an automated email from your site.
Hi $recipientMail,
You have a message from someone
Their Name is: $senderName
Their Email addres is: $senderEmail
Their Message is: $senderMsg
//end of message
$headers = "From: $from\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text\r\n";
$to = "$to"; // this will send to both emails at the same time.
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
$body = "
Thank You $senderName, your message has been sent.